Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Faculty Spotlight

Please be advised that Josh Wilson has secret talents, one in particular which could be beneficial in your classroom, if you need a dramatic reader. He participated in my class's challenge to select a poem and prepare a rough dramatic reading of it within five minutes for Ms. Tongate's Poetry in a Pocket week.  His rendition of Poe's "El Dorado" had adults and students in stitches!  

Invite Josh into your class to be a student; he is a big kid and gets the students excited about an assignment.

Thanks, Josh for participating.  I could use you in the next few weeks to do some Shakespeare, as I cannot read all parts myself.

Ms. Crisp  


  1. We have another thespian in our midst? I'm impressed! Crisp and I are both teaching Shakespeare for our final units this semester - Mr. Wilson needs to stop in!!!

    --Miss Eaton

  2. Mr. Wilson is amazing at everything! I have never worked with someone so fantastic. I even here that he cooks for his family! Thank God for making him, what a man!

  3. I "hear" that Mr. Wilson went on Mrs. McGee's account and posted that comment above about himself! tsk tsk tsk Wilson. But you're pretty much amazing, seriously I look up to you Mr. Wilson so much... because you're almost 7 ft tall, and I'm only 5 ft :]


  4. But it is a shame that he can’t spell “HEAR”.
    --J. Baxter

  5. My Mary is so cute.
    --Ms. Wilson
