Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Secretary Day

Interview with Mrs. Judy Baxter
Written by Clarissa

It's not uncommon to walk into the TLC office and see Mrs. Baxter busy answering phones, letting guests in the front door, swarmed in papers, and typing hastily on her computer. However, today is Secretary Day, which means it is our day to serve her!  She looks beautiful as ever, surrounded by candy, and colorful bouquets. She kindly interuppted her busy schedule for an interview.

 CG : How long have you been a secretary?
JB : 20 years.
 CG: What kinds of gifts did you receive and from who?
JB: Flowers, candy, and a UK cup!
CG: What inspired you to choose this career?
JB: It was just the first job I got.
CG: Where did you work first?
JB: National Yellow Pages in Louisville, Kentucky.
CG: What do you do on a typical day?
JB: Everything, haha. Answering phones, greeting people, attendance, handle subs who come in, and bookkeeping – all kinds of things.
CG: What's the best part of being a secretary?
JB: Dealing with people.
CG: The worst?
JB : Oh haha, people calling and fussing about things you have no control over.
CG: What's been your best experience at TLC?
JB:  Being a maintenance man --Me, coming to fix the copier? No...of course, it is the great staff and students – getting to watch them accomplish things.

What a woman!  We love you, Ms. Baxter!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for everything you do, Mrs. Baxter! You are amazing!
    -Ms. Mitchell
