Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Exploratories: Cosmetology

Field Trip to Beauty Store


This class is about finding your inner beauty, getting to know each other girl to girl, and showing who you really are. We all have our flaws and this class helps us open up.  In this class, there is no pimple, wild hair, or bushy eyebrow unturned. Nail art, hair straighteners, and crimping irons have found their home.  However, Cosmetology is more than just putting on your make-up and fixing your hair.  We read articles about our inner beauty and have socratic circles on the importance of self.  Additionally, community guests frequently visit to provide expertise on the art of make-up and exfoiliation.  In the end, we are all different, but all beautiful. The most significant lesson in cosmetology is the importance of valuing yourself.

By Kacey 




  1. I am in the Cosmetology Exploratory, and I LOVE it.!! ;)We have a lot of fun.

  2. I enjoyed getting my nail polished! :)

    -Dr D

  3. I love having the girls teach me! In this class the "students" are the experts and the "teachers" are the students...that is the true beauty of this class!

  4. The girls in this class are amazing. It is so great to learn from them. We are going to have some great cosmetologists in the near future!
